SAP PA exam online rule.

Before the day of your exam, please remember to prepare:
Check your system readiness. You must use the Questionmark Secure browser to take your exam. Please ensure that the most current version is installed on your computer. You may need to uninstall an older version before installing the current one. Please consult this article for requirements.
Identification. You will be required to present two forms of valid identification (cannot be expired). Both pieces of ID must bear your name and signature, and at least one must be a valid government-issued photo ID. Your photo ID will be checked by the remote proctor before you take your exam.

Valid means of identification include:

a. Signed government-issued passport
b. Signed driver”s license (must include photo)
c. Signed military ID card
d. Bank/credit card
On the day of your exam, please remember to:
Login to, click Certifications, click Access Certification Hub.
In Certification Hub, click Exam Appointments, you will see your appointment listed under Upcoming Exams.
The Start Exam link for your appointment will be active within a 30-minute window, +/- 15 minutes from the time of the actual appointment.
Click the Start Exam link.
You will be expected to comply with these standard rules
Standard Rules
You must be alone in the room throughout the exam.
You must have a clear desk and workspace.
Your computer must be connected to a power source.
You may not use your phone or smart watch during the exam.
You are not allowed to use more than one monitor during the exam. If you have any additional, please unplug them now.
You will be required to perform a 360 degree room and desk pan using your webcam. Please remove any unauthorized material.
You must remain within clear view of your webcam throughout the exam with adequate lighting.
Your webcam, speakers, screenshare, and microphone must remain on throughout the exam.
Special Instructions
You are NOT allowed to leave your seat during the exam.
You are NOT allowed to talk or read aloud during the exam.
You are allowed to use headphones throughout the duration of the exam.


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